• submit

    To submit an absence excuse, send an email to CPAbsenceDocumentation@rhmail.org with the document attached.

    Student Attendance Information

    Documentation for All Absences

    Students must provide official documentation for any absences to their home school within three days after returning to school. This maybe in the form of a written excuse (signed by a parent/guardian) OR a medical statement. This documentation will be entered and filed in the student’s attendance file in the attendance office at their home school.  Documentation does not erase absences; it only states why the student missed school and is consistent with all state law and regulations.  To submit an absence excuse, send an email CPAttendanceDocumentation@rhmail.org with the document attached.

    Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism  

    Compulsory attendance laws; and state and federal laws and regulations determining absences for truancy and chronic absenteeism, have not changed and remain applicable for both onsite, virtual and hybrid instruction.


    A student ages 6 to 17 years meets the definition of a truant when the student:

    • Has three consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five unlawful absences.
    • In such cases an Attendance Intervention Plan should be developed.

    Chronic Absenteeism

                  A student in grade K-12 meets the definition of chronic absenteeism when the student:

    • Misses 50 percent or more of an instructional day for any reason for 10 percent (or more) of their enrollment period.
    • All absences contribute to chronic absenteeism including excused, unexcused and OSS.


    More district attendance information can be found on the Rock Hill School District website under Attendance.