

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. David Consalvi

STEAM Facilitator

I am excited to be a part of building the STEAM program in the Rock Hill School District. I lived in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Missouri, and Maine before moving with my family to South Carolina in 2013. I have a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Education from the University of Missouri – Columbia. I began teaching science and math in 2002 in Maine. Most of my teaching time was at the high school level; however, I had a few middle school courses prior to moving to South Carolina. In 2013, I began teaching 8th grade science at Saluda Trail.


In 2015, I took the position of STEAM Coordinator for Oakdale Elementary and Saluda Trail Middle School. For my second year, I was asked to transition to working with Saluda Trail and South Pointe. I see this as a great opportunity to further the partnerships between the STEAM schools and build the K-12 vertical alignment of learning for our students. 


I have a wife and 3 children. When not doing something related to education, I like to be with my family and watching soccer games.


I look forward to working with the students and staff to STEAMify our programs

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